Bankwest Stadium
- Location: Bankwest Stadium
- Complete: February 2019
- Visit: https://www.bankweststadium.com.au/
The Problem
The Solution
Barrier Group recommended and installed Neata Belt Post In-floor Flexi for this job. Unique in-floor sleeves mean these posts can be deployed, removed or repositioned at any time by staff while remaining tamper-resistant for improved public safety. When the posts are removed, the flush stainless steel in-ground sleeves leave a smooth surface without trip hazards.
Neata Belt Post In-floor Flexi offers a world-first impact-absorbing design that allows the post to tilt on impact by up to 10 degrees in any direction and return to its original position without damage. As Neata Belt Post In-floor Flexi is mounted In-floor there is no base required so the design increases available floor space by up to 30%, improving disabled access and reducing tripping hazards.
Western Stadium also ordered a Neata Storage Trolley to store posts when not in use.
While Western Stadium opted for classic black belts for their food court, don't forget that we can custom print belts in any colour, with your logo and business name to suit many of our retractable belt products. Just contact our friendly sales staff for details.