Rubber Floor Mats

Anti-slip and anti-fatigue
Our floor mats are designed to provide an anti-slip and anti-fatigue surface. Has a wide range of domestic, industrial, commercial and agricultural applications.
The anti fatigue mat is manufactured from hard wearing black natural rubber and measures 910 x 1520 x 13mm.
The Oil Resistant Floor Mat is manufactured from hard wearing rubber and measures 910 x 1520 x 10mm (this mat is coloured red to distinguish that it has oil resistant properties, compared against other normal mats in black).
Rubber Floor Mats
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Description: Rubber floor mats Material: Hard wearing natural rubber Dimensions: Black - 910 x 1520 x 13mm
Red - 910 x 1520 x 10mmColour: Black - Anti-Fatigue
Red - Oil Resistant -
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